Our Products

We add a different dimension to the need for water colder than 1°C, especially in the field of concrete cooling, with our KALTZER product.

Air Cooled Chiller

Air Cooled Chiller with Cooling Capacity Range of 24 kW-1000 kW

Water Cooled Chiller

Water Cooled Chiller with Cooling Capacity Range of 24 kW-1000 kW

air cooled chillerair cooled chiller
chiller plantchiller plant
water cooled chillerwater cooled chiller
Containerized Chiller Plant (KALTZER)

A complete facility consisting of Containerized Water Tanks and Containerized Chillers in the cooling capacity range of 100kW-480kW.

water cooling towerwater cooling tower
Water Cooling Tower

Wet thermometer :24 °C, Water Inlet/Outlet : 34/29 °C Water Cooling Tower with Cooling Capacity Range of 12-2500 kW

Modular and Containerized Cold Storage

Modular, containerized and solar powered cold rooms

cold roomcold room

Contact Us

Contact our Türkiye-based refrigeration and air conditioning company. Contact us to get more information about our smart and accessible chillers.
