Water Cooling Tower

water cooling tower
water cooling tower

Water Cooling Towers

closed circuit water cooling tower
closed circuit water cooling tower
Closed Circuit Water Cooling Tower

1 Close Circuit Liquid Line + 1 Open Circuit Liquid Line

Open Circuit Water Cooling Tower

Traditional Open Circuit Water Cooling Tower

Water Cooling Tower Working Principle

In water cooling towers, when the water entering the system meets the air, some of the water entering the system evaporates and some of its heat is released to the air, which can be lowered below the ambient temperature. The lowest temperature we can reach in these systems is the wet bulb temperature, which is the temperature of saturated air.

water cooling tower
water cooling tower
Evaporation of the Water Cooling Tower

According to the principles of thermodynamics; for each gram of evaporated water to change phase (state), approximately 540 Calories of energy are absorbed from the system.

With this approach; for every 6 ºC of cooling of the water circulating in the system, approximately 0.9% of the water flow rate must evaporate, this is called the evaporation loss of the water cooling tower.

water tower
water tower
Mobile and Modular Water Cooling Towers

The catalogue value is taken as 24 °C for the wet bulb temperature and 34 °C for the dry bulb temperature. (43.8% relative humidity). Water inlet-outlet temperatures are taken as 34-29 °C.Water Cooling Tower with Cooling Capacity Range of 12-2500 kW.

We design it according to your demands and application area temperature datas.

evaporative condenser
evaporative condenser